jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016


Aogashima is a volcanic Japanese island in the Philippine Sea. The island is administered by Tokyo and located approximately 358 kilometres south of Tokyo and 64 kilometres south of Hachijo-jima. The village of Aogashima administers the island under Hachijo Subprefecture of Tokyo Metropolis. The island's area is 8.75 km2 and, as of 2014, its population 170. Aogashima is also within the boundaries of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park.

Resultado de imagen de Aogashima Volcano, Japan

There isn’t much to do on Aogashima though, except enjoy the serenity of a tropical paradise. In the center of the island lies a geothermal sauna. 

There is a public facility utilizing the geothermal power and gas and people use it to cook. This cooker using geothermal steam is available for free. Steamed fresh vegetables, potatoes or eggs are one of the specialties of Aogashima. The facility also features a sauna, a public bath, and hot showers.

The island's population was 205 and it’s decreasing. The island has a primary school with about 25 students. When they reach the age of fifteen, they would to go to high school on the mainland and nobody knows if and when they will be back to Aogashima.

Aogashima is a complex Quaternary volcanic island 3.5 km in length with a maximum width of 2.5 km, formed by the overlapping remnants of at least four submarine calderas. 

The caldera dominates the island, with one point on its southern ridge, Otonbu  with a height of 423 metres, as the island's highest point. 

Resultado de imagen de Aogashima Volcano CALDERAS

The volcano is currently classified as a Class-C active volcano, with last eruption taking place in 1785, when 140 people were killed, about half of the total population. However, current residents don’t seem to care so much and enjoy life on the island, with fishing and agriculture being the inhabitants’ main occupations.

This is an isolated little island, accessible from Tokyo via Hachijojima. You get to Hachijojima from Tokyo by either boat or plane, then on to Aogashima either by boat or helicopter. Since the sea crossing from Hachijojima to Aogashima is notoriously rough, and the daily boat is cancelled more than 50% of the time, I used the helicopter, which was extremely efficient and convenient. This island has few tourists, and non-Japanese are a rarity. The island's geology makes it beautiful - it is an extinct volcano rising up out of the Pacific, covered in thick, lush vegetation. 
Read more (TripAdvisor) 

How tempting. . . This is the first time I hear about this site. How many corners of this world we still have to visit. . . Beautiful Note.

Hot Springs. Calentitos .... looks great (the islands also live to play volcanoes and hot springs ... those plug machines underground and heating in winter)
Read more (LaVanguardia) 


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  • Between Hachijojima and Aogashima:  

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